2 years ago
⁣Concerned locals protest outside The Yew Lodge Hotel in the village of Kegworth this afternoon after the hotel was closed to the public and male ‘asylum seekers’ were moved in. The protestors were dispersed by police a short while ago after they marched on to the High Street ⁣⁣TODAYS LATEST NEWS AND OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH https://bit.ly/universaltruth_realinternational_tv Remove Nanotech From The Body Using Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc http://bit.ly/3xTBYwS Skittles Manufacturer Is Sued Over Claims Candies Contain Poisonous Colorant Titanium Dioxide Which Can Damage Vital Organs and DNA http://bit.ly/3xTBYwS Hungary sued by the EU for passing anti-grooming laws https://bit.ly/3ZiZjDY Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Making Natural Hydroxychloroquine https://bit.ly/3ZiZjDY Confessions from a Freemason Masonic Filth… http://bit.ly/3KXGeUb 11 Vacationers Drop Dead On Italian Beaches In 24 Hours http://bit.ly/3KXGeUb OTHER CHANNELS AND APP TO JOIN MY YOUTUBE https://bit.ly/pondicorner-tv TELEGRAM, JOIN AND SHARE YOUR CONTENTS HERE https://bit.ly/dmixgroup Daily Life is better in the app keep up to date with all we post click here to download our app https://bit.ly/328u17h
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