Weather Wars _ La Palma Volcano Eruption - Is It Man-Made_
2 years ago
Health Ranger Report Sept 22, 2021
Israeli News- La Palma Situation Awareness

China and Russia have weapons that can cause these tectonic or geological shifts. Their weapons systems that focus energy on fault lines. They can also be used to focus on volcano areas to cause eruptions or to cause faults to move or in essence plates to move against each other. If they are close to a tipping point, there are some very serious things going on right now with La Palma.

There is going to be yet another eruption and the eruption is going to be a major. This situation is so serious. What's going on over there that there was a meeting at the White House today. Biden's cabinet has elected not to go public on this for fear of creating panic. They know from the advisors on this issue that people that would be in the wave of a tsunami that could be a result of that. It's a media blackout on what they know from the scientists, there are scientists and what their, what their concerns are and sadly I really believe this is all man made on this. I knew on the 8th of September it was disclosed in a meeting that I was in that the Chinese and the Russians and ended up not being the Russians involved in it, but they were going to use a device that would create a problem that would set off the volcano in the Canary Islands.

Now you may recall I mentioned these weapons are called thumpers, it's some kind of a seismic weapon basically. So I guess that makes sense. Some kind of a thumper and these thumpers are known to be able to focus a tremendous amount of energy. And by the way the thumpers are nuclear powered. So this is a pretty big operation to set up a thumper and then to direct it at a certain geographic target. So there's a large amount of nuclear energy that goes into this thumper. And who knows maybe they have exotic fusion systems or something that we don't know about. But this nuclear energy goes into the thumper. The thumper directs the energy at a specific target, a fault line or a volcano or some fissure or tectonic crack something that's about ready to go and it can push it over the edge if it's close to slipping.

So it brings up the question then is well and this man from Israeli News Live, he says that China is using this weapon not Russia. China could wipe out the east coast of the United States with a tsunami. But a tsunami that looks like a natural disaster then. That is a brilliant unrestricted warfare tactical victory against America.

And you might think what kind of an evil nation would fake a natural disaster to wipe out another nation ? Oh well guess what, America has been doing it to China. So you know the floods that are threatening to destroy the three Gorges Dam? Folks. Those are US weather weapons. Just to be clear. And by the way don't forget that Covid was a US DARPA, you know DOD / DARPA developed weapons system that was then shuttled over to China after Trump got elected. And then it was turned against America so that America could blame China for biological weapons while America is waging weather weapons against China to destroy the three Gorges Dam and crush the Chinese economy and unleash Like 20 Fukushima's over their radiological ecological nightmare that could be blamed on rain.

See what these governments of the world have figured out and they've developed over the last 60- 70 years or so…
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