Just like England, Canada has just announced it will ALSO take in 20,000 Afghan refugees
What is it about the magical 20,000 number? England just announced they will take in 20,000 refugees - see my video: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/uk-agrees-to-take-in-20-000-afghan-refugees-we-bombed-and-occupied-their-homelands-for-20-years_jgAWLP3WRosZanc.html then suddenly Canada announces they will take in the same as shown in this vid and BELIEVE IT OR NOT - even America has agreed to take in exactly 20,000 refugees: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210716-white-house-says-20-000-afghan-interpreters-asking-for-us-asylum
WHAT IS GOING ON???????????
WHAT IS GOING ON???????????