Solid Future December 10 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago ⁣Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 19 Sagittarius, which also conjuncts the South Node, representing our collective past. Its Sabian symbol refers to cutting ice from a pond for use in the summertime, which implies planning ahead, implementing strategies that will be needed in the future. It’s also about gathering provisions, finding creative solutions, and overcoming shortages. In this chart the moon occupies 27 Libra, and its Sabian symbol refers to angels coming to the aid of someone alone and in deep despair. This signifies that help is delivered just when one needs it the most, dispersing hopelessness, depression, and gloom. Whether the help comes in human or supernatural form, it is experienced as heaven-sent. The moon forms a square to Jupiter at 28 Capricorn, and Saturn at 29, intensifying the emotions. Jupiter’s degree refers to “a woman reading tea leaves”, while Saturn’s degree reads “Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference”. Together these imply that highly sensitive and confidential information could be the cause or the cure for feeling down in the first place, and help could come from someone with mystic insight and vision. So even if things seem impossible and problems insurmountable, help arrives at the moment we need it that turns gloom and doom into optimists and hope. Maintaining faith is what builds the foundation for a solid future. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #jupiter #saturn
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