vaccines, adverse effects, covid19, hoax, plandemic

Perfectly Healthy Doctor Experiences After Effect Of The TDAP Vaccine

471 Views - Published on 15 Jan, 2021
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⁣Tdap stands for tetanus (T), diphtheria, (D), and pertussis (aP). The Tdap vaccine became available in 2005 for older children and adults. Before 2005, there was no pertussis booster shot for ...

⁣From Nick ⁣(Dr. Nicholas Gauthier):
I was administered a TDAP at my position at Darnall Army Hospital on August 19, 2019. Throughout the following week, my left leg began to feel like it was on fire, I had severe tinnitus in my right ear and Iwould be woken multiple times a night by my right foot cramping Finally, I was admitted into the hospital on Friday August 23, 2019.

That Sunday, I began to lose feeling and strength in my right arm. Shortly after, both legs went into severe spasms and cramps. The pain was excruciating. After this subsided, I was no longer able to lift either leg while laying. My right arm lost significant strength and sensation. I lost nearly all sensation to my penis and bladder spasms began. I also lost hearing in my right ear and had balance issues. Symptoms continued to progress. The spasms and cramping extended to most of my body. We continued to search for answers.

Full Story Here: ⁣

This is an interesting story... and BTW, Nick's condition has iompeoved.


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