Planned Federal Forced Vaccinations
3 years ago
READ THIS!!! I know this guy sounds racist and some will point that out but I think he is still a front line patriot with a message worth listening to. I hope this information I am about to state finds the people that it can help and who needs it. I just want to remind everybody that you need to be aware of 5G and how it causes the same exact symptoms of CV19 and this is my opinion but day by day more people are starting to acknowledge what I've been saying. This radiation is the silent threat and the virus narrative is a smoke screen to distract you. Why do you think we are being infected with a SUPERCONDUCTOR (GRAPHENE OXIDE) because it amplifies the effects of 5G and I'm convinced they can wipe us out whenever they want to or whenever enough people take this jab. Hell even I was magnetic and I haven't had the injection thats why I try to inform everybody of zeolites to detox this stuff. After a month of zeolites and NAC I am no longer magnetic. It was my collarbone close to my heart where I discovered the magnetism. So I hope this helps someone. Here is my trusted supplier because most are junk so get the pure zeolite powder here This stuff is amazing and worked for me. Also I wonder why ivermectin works so good since it is a parasite dewormer drug. Makes you wonder huh? Maybe we should all take some just to be cautious. But I can't give medical advice and this isn't medical advice. For medical advice seek a licensed physician. Be cautious though because my cousin died recently because they put him on remdesivir, fentanyl(a drop too many will kill you) and propofol(killed M.J.) So 3 deadly drugs of which each one is a lethal threat. But again this is just my own opinions and for informational and educational purposes based on personal experience. Do your own due diligence. To learn more about the 5G Convid connection watch this
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