#protests2020, #AustinProtests, AustinTexas, #ATX, #TexasStateCapitol, #Rally, #ProtestRally, ' #OpenTexas

Texas Is Open again

24 Views - Published on 19 Sep, 2020
Before BLM, and the kids of Antifa, showed up to destroy protest, in America, there was this.
In mid-late April, Austinites showed up at the Capitol of Texas, to register their complaints. These people were from all walks of life, all political persuasions (and plenty with none.) They all had an agenda, but before BLMAntifa worked so hard at splitting people, the intention was basically the same. People rallied for freedom.
Being Austin, of course, there was music.
Today, Texas is on the cusp of, "re-opening", whatever that will mean. I hope the spirit, in Austin, has not dimmed. I've shot many protests, since April (missing only two weekends, since.) Today, I go back downtown, and plan to shoot three separate rallies. I don't know that's a good thing; three separate and distinct rallies, because we just need to come (back) together, and live among each-other, as neighbors. I hope the damage done, by BLMAntifa and the children who follow them, is not lasting.
We'll see.
But, in the meantime, this video represents the spirit of Austin, and of Texas, and probably, of America; maybe even the world. I hope you like it.
Anne Beckett

Anne Beckett

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