Rise with BNT 137 | Geoengineering | Project BlueBeam | Digital ID |Health Questions
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▶Lunar Pulse Drum - New Energy: cheap & accessible
▶Save Our Rights UK: Take Part In The Digital ID Consultation
▶Dane Wigington of Geoengineering.com - Our Toxic Skies & How To Change It
▶Project BlueBeam: Happening Now?
▶Clive de Carle - Viewers Questions from daily supplements to healthy sunscreen.

Trudi1Luv - 2 years ago
No aliens here… yet ! Morning all … Trudi xx

hootyowl - 2 years ago
Hi from Thailand - can't get on chat - love to all

Omaida - 2 years ago
hi from Cornwall!!

shin - 2 years ago
wow Clive!!! just caught up... fantastic!!! we're signing up to the tesla healing intro!! had to go to physio xx

janette53 - 1 year ago
I have to disagree with Clive . He never mentioned the benefits of seaweed or cacao - these have all the vitamins/minerals a vegan needs including Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12, calcium, iron and magnesium - so for him to say that vegans
in these vitamins/minerals is simply not true! Our ancestors were predominantly vegan - hence our teeth structure - we have teeth of a herbivore for tearing/chewing/masticating vegetables and nuts. If one eats whole food plant based (not processed) one can get all the vitamins/minerals needed. I have been a staunch vegan for over 35 years and I never take supplements or pharmaceuticals and I rarely get sick - on the rare occasion that I do suffer any ailments (usually caused by work/life stress balance) I always resort to natural ways to alleviate the symptoms. As for people eating grass-fed
animals - who can afford this these days? Even the organic meat
is laced with so many additives because the livestock are fed with growth hormones to yield more meat - therefore one cannot rely on it ever being organic
- it is just a marketing/selling ploy!
janette53 - 1 year ago
It is a myth that one needs animal produce for brain function - one can can get adequate cholesterol from plant based products such as hemp/coconut/cacao oil -> human babies are meant to drink human breast milk - as calves are meant to drink cows milk! Have a read of The China Study!

ManInMotion808 - 1 year ago
What an action-packed broadcast - had some hard—hitting facts & information throughout, avidly watched this! Such great work Sonia & Sean, please do continue to keep up fighting the good fight!! ✊🏿💙💯

janette53 - 1 year ago
Using a butterfly versus a cow analogy of consciousness is lame! A cow is a sentient mammal (it has a
higher order
brain capacity whereas a butterfly has not...) have you seen the distress a mother cow goes through when her calf is ripped from her - have you heard the distress calls she will continually make to locate her calf - (look at the many distressing videos portraying this) if that is not consciousness I don`t know what is! Please stop talking bull Clive (excuse the pun)!
janette53 - 1 year ago
I think Clive needs to sort out sentient beings from non sentient beings - granted vegans are
more insects/bugs but these are not sentient beings - they do not have thebrain capacity
to feel
- mammals are sentient insofar as they feel the loss of their offspring - like cows pining for their calves ...
janette53 - 1 year ago
lets not forget that what the animal is fed is fed to the consumer of the animal - growth hormones and all!!
Trudi1Luv - 2 years ago