5 - Freedom Fighter [ed2
3 years ago
Update: 4 hours after attempted upload, vid is still under review....

Yup as suspected, its very hard to look in the mirror and see your own governments war crimes staring staight back at you.

This vid was not made for the general public anyway, it was made for the censors self reflection.
Peace, may NATO nations at some point stop and look at all the blood on their hands and think "what have i done!?".

This vid i suspect will cut too close to the bone, even for brandnewtube.
It was banned from youtube within 4 hours.

It should not be controversial though as it is based on article 51 of the U.N. Charter.

The only 'violence' shown is perpetrated by the aggressor - ie NATO.
All blood is green screen and is just red paint. You see more in 30seconds of a Quentin Tarantino film.

I firmly support the right to self defense and thus indicate Drones being shot DOWN.

The war crimes in Africa and the middle east continue unabated.

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