⁣Dr. Christiane Northrup | They can Track you at the Airport if you've had the V or not
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2 years ago
⁣Dr. Christiane Northrup | They can Track you at the Airport if you've had the V or not - Listen carefully guys, forget wasting your money on those fake vaccine passports to receive massive fines from the globalist system, it’s not going to help you one bit.

They can literally see whether you’ve been jabbed or not by the luciferase, it glows under ultraviolet light like a Christmas tree, & works as a tracking device.

Told y’all many times about Luciferase mRNA, which creates cDNA an unnatural unrecognisable gene in the human body which in turn shuts down the innate immune system.

This death jab is the mark of the beast, no question. The mark of the beast is an artificial intelligence (A.I) system, a system that runs on highly advanced technological computers connected to radioactive 5G EMFS.

⁣Luciferase - SM102: Can track you.
https://www.caymanchem.com/product/33474 -
In order to get the mRNA into your cells, they needed to change something in your immune system so that it would no longer recognise the fake / synthetic mRNA as an invader. Sot there's a thing called TLRs Toll-like receptors ( https://www.immunology.org/public-information/bitesized-immunology/receptors-and-molecules/pattern-recognition-receptors-prrs) So the changed one 1 nucleotide so that it shuts down your innate immunity.
They also contain fetal kidney DNA, something from the eye and lung of an aborted fetus, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol) which 70 % of the people are allergic to, so it causes anaphylaxis. Then there's Polysorbate 80 which is an emulsifier to get things across the Blood-Brain Barrier. They also contain SPIONs (superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles). This is magnetofection. It has been in the works for decades.... This is a murder weapon! There's also the heavy metals....

Magnetofection: MagnetofectionTM is a novel, simple and highly efficient method to transfect cells in culture. https://www.interchim.fr/ft/B/BC3012.pdf
The efficiency of delivery of DNA vaccines is often relatively low compared to protein vaccines. The use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) to deliver genes via magnetofection shows promise in improving the efficiency of gene delivery both in vitro and in vivo.

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