Dr Andrew Kaufman | The Truth about JAB Shedding
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3 years ago
⁣Credit to: PetrafiedNews for this clip
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nocebo%20effect - Definition of nocebo effect : the development of adverse side effects or worsening in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to medical treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used. With a nocebo effect, if test subjects believe there may be side effects, they often experience them.

https://www.healthline.com/health/nocebo-effect - The placebo effect occurs when a placebo actually makes you feel better or improves your symptoms. The nocebo effect, on the other hand, happens when a placebo makes you feel worse. Read on to…

All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.

Source: https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/The-Truth-about-JAB-Shedding-(Dr-Andrew-Kaufman):8

This Content Is Mirrored as a service to protect and share the truth.Please support the original creator. In some cases it is very hard to find the link to the original creator's channel because it was banned or lost in numerous re-uploads.

Dr Andrew Kaufman, The Truth about JAB Shedding
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