Always Something to Smile About December 3 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago Today’s Astro-Sound Bite is drawn up for the Sun at 12 Sagittarius, and the Sabian symbol for this degree reads “a widow’s past is brought to light”. This signifies that someone’s past is catching up with them, and highlighting the need for a reckoning of some sort. In this chart, the moon occupies 22 Cancer, and its symbol refers to the meeting of a study or literary group. It describes gatherings of like-minded people who share knowledge, which can occur through letters, social media, podcasts, and discussions. Venus at 15 Scorpio forms a trine to Neptune at 18 Pisces. Venus’s degree refers to “a girl’s face breaking into a smile”, symbolizing the act of staying positive that not only helps that person, but also inspires others. Finding things to smile about is the key to turning negatives into positives. There is a caution, of course, about expressing false feelings, which benefits no one; the idea is to remember the things we have to be grateful about in all situations. Neptune’s degree refers to “a Master instructing their student”. This symbol discusses the principle that “when the student is ready the master appears”. Sometimes we’re the teacher, other times the student, but in either case, we each have an inner master connected to higher wisdom that is always available to us when we ask. As we integrate today’s messages, there will no doubt be issues from the past bleeding through the present that may make some very uncomfortable and tough to digest and process. As certain information comes to light, the way to deal with any negativity is to connect with those who help us stay positive, remember what we have that keeps us grateful, and alway ask for the “inner master’ to help us through our challenges, and provide us with the guidance we seek. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #venus #neptune
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