Corona numbers wrong and protective masks hazardous to health |
3 years ago
⁣Thousands of doctors now on the front line, are in a moral dilemma. They can no longer understand the Corona figures presented by governments, the media and the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) regarding infections, deaths and measures. - ⁣

In the meantime, thousands of doctors now on the front line, are in a moral dilemma. They can no longer understand the Corona figures presented by governments, the media and the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) regarding infections, deaths and measures. According to Dr. Kraemer, there is no scientific basis for a second wave.
He points out the usual seasonal fluctuations in the total number of deaths within a year, and that this total number was never exceptionally high during the whole Corona crisis.

Autopsies in Hamburg and Zurich also revealed that many old people did not die of the novel Corona virus but of pulmonary embolism; or rather with the Corona virus, the consequences of preexisting illnesses, as a young nurse from a Corona ward in Goeppingen/Germany put it, and which is proved by the numerous autopsies performed by pathologist, Klaus Pueschel.
Interestingly, the RKI did not consider this differentiation through autopsies to be necessary, but instead heated up the Corona panic unnecessarily!

In a video message entitled “Anger Speech” at the end of May 2020, the physician Dr. Kraemer expressed his inner distress in this way: “[...] I just don't feel like saying anything at all anymore, because I cannot do anything against these foolish brains in politics. They just keep going, even though they are ripped apart by all sorts of top-class professors. Meanwhile there are [...] tens of thousands of doctors who deal with patients on the front lines every day and who can no longer understand these published figures! Yes, nothing makes sense. [...] For five weeks not a single person has coughed or sniffed. [...] These Idiots should leave me alone with the filth they keep spreading...”. Is it really reprehensible to talk about what one cannot handle?

Many people also ask themselves whether wearing a mouth and nose safety mask as prescribed by politics is at all justified on the basis of the wrong Corona numbers?

As with drugs, there are also side effects caused by wearing these masks: Breathing behind the mask over a longer period of time, is similar to a kind of self-poisoning. This is because some of the substances that the body breaks down through respiration are inhaled again. At the same time, the oxygen content in the blood gradually decreases, while gaseous toxins remain in the body in increased quantities.

The speed of thinking decreases, the body slows down at all levels, which can also lead to fainting.
Drivers wearing masks may even become a danger to themselves and to their surroundings.
Should these connections not be known to politicians who spread Corona panic and impose coercive measures?


⁣Deutsches Statistisches Bundesamt: Sonderauswertung zu Sterbefallzahlen 2020

Aktueller Lagebericht des RKI zu Corona-Erkrankungen

Wutrede des Arztes Dr. Ulrich Krämer

Bericht einer Pflegerin auf Corona-Station einer Klinik

Pathologe Klaus Püschel zur Autopsie von „Corona“-Totenüb

CO2-Vergiftung dank Schutzmaske (Dr. Blockchain)
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