Fauci Wants Forced Vaccination. Dec 8 2021
⁣"So, I would prefer, we all would prefer, that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated. But if they are not going to do that, sometimes you have to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersedes individual choices"
Tony "The Nazi" Fauci
On Andrea Mitchell Dec 2021

Actual Quote on the idea of Forced Covid shots.

On forced penetration and injection of fluids.. Medical Rape.

They are getting ready to start a war here in the USA. They will be implementing forced poison shots.

If you believe that freedom is predicated on the consumption of a product, from a CRIMINAL corporation, forced by the government, then you are a LITERAL Fascist. Not a "Mommy, my pussy hurts" ANTIFA/BLM label thrown at anyone they disagree with, you are a REAL FASCIST..

Pfizer paid out the largest criminal settlement in drug company history. But you shouldn't have a choice in being medically raped with their product.. That does not fucking work..

I don't care if you are my best friend, if you think this vaccine works, you are SHIT EATING STUPID..
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