⁣TruNews Headlines with Kerry Kinsey - October 28, 2020
3 years ago
⁣TruNews Headlines with Kerry Kinsey - October 28, 2020
-Dr. Anthony Fauci steals a line from history by saying, 'We're right in the middle of what's going to be referred to, I think historically, as the mother of all outbreaks over the last hundred years. And we're not even close to being finished with it yet,' of course we know that many people refer to the 1918 Spanish Flu as the mother of all pandemics, Ron Paul says Bill Gates incredible money and influence makes him part of the problem, the creator of the PCR test Kary Mullis said, 'with PCR if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody,' he died in 2019 but not before he pointed at problems with the test in detecting. ⁣https://www.trunews.com/stream/trunews-headlines-with-kerry-kinsey-october-28-2020
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