aryan bacon, handsome truth, gdl, adl, jewish, supremacy, activism, free speech, goyim defense league, California

Publicly Denouncing Aryan Bacon, Handsome Truth and GDL, Distancing Myself From Them.

462 Views - Published on 31 May, 2022
⁣I had a video shared in my chat recently of Aryan Bacon going up to two random people, saying “Heil Hitler” repeatedly and calling them “dirty kikes”. These are two random men having lunch outside and Handsome Truth did a livestream last night where he endorsed these actions and called for people to go out and do similar things. This is utterly foolish and is NOT activism. This only serves one purpose which is to give groups like the ADL ammunition to then use against anyone calling out Jewish supremacy. I publicly denounce these actions and want no association with this group in any way. I have removed my interview with Handsome Truth. I know this will cause a shit storm for me but I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, if I get called a shill, a fag, whatever, so be it. I will not be lumped into this nonsense and discredited for the good work I do by these actions.
Chad Chaddington

Chad Chaddington

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