Phil Schneider Speaks on a Adrenochrome Harvesting in the 1990s
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4 years ago
⁣Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer and underground tunneling expert for the US government and the UN. He participated in the construction of many DUMBS in North America and other countries. Phil was murdered by the CIA on January 17 1996 in his apartment in Wilsonville in Portland, Oregon.
In 1979 in Dulce New Mexico, Phil Schneider was drilling into the desert there to build an auxiliary base in the southern end of Dulce on top of an already existing underground base there. The already existing base had been built by the US government in the 1940’s under ’operation blue note’ but afterwards had been taken over by greys and reptilians.
Over a period of two days Phil and his team had drilled four holes in the desert that went down several thousand feet.
One of the holes kept bringing up dirty dust, putrid odours and broken off machine bits that were sent down the hole. Boring machines and lasers came back up damaged when they were sent down there. A probe was then sent down that came back up totally missing. Eventually people were sent down.

Phil was the first person to go. He was lowered down into the cave and when he got down there, standing around ten feet away were two seven-foot greys. He became petrified but managed to empty one clip from his pistol into the greys. As he was reloading one of the greys hit Phil with some kind of particle beam weapon which gave him a very high dose of nuclear radiation poisoning, similar to cobalt radiation but even worse.
Phil’s lung was burnt out of him and he has a huge scar running down his chest which he showed at his lectures which are available

In May of 1995, suffering from terminal cancer, he began giving talks in Las Vegas describing in detail the underground cities, the government's secret deal with negative aliens, high alien technology being employed by the government-including "corbomite" (element 140), mining on the moon, FEMA and martial law, the coming New World Order takeover, the Alien/NWO genocide agenda to reduce the earth's population by 85% before 2029, and a host of other stunning revelations.

Phil Schneider was an extraordinarily brave man who knew that he was going to be killed because of the information he was revealing to the American people.
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