Reptoids the Apex Predator
4 years ago
⁣This video is a mixture of clips highlighting the Reptoid experience,
beginning with features highlighted by a number of witnesses. Followed
by their cloaking technology witnessed first hand, then subsequently
reinterpreted by a number of other witnesses. Their use of orbs as a
portal for transportation and the noises they make, and how they look
when emerging from a portal. With witness testimony confirming these
claims, some of which happen in the bedroom. Then the mutilation
activity of an area with Reptoid sightings or similar phenomena,
followed by the military response. Perspective from a military man's
family who's job it was to hunt these illusive creatures and the danger
him and his family faced from both Reptoids and Humans. Black eyed
encounters, shapeshifting and the Cult of the Predator is examined, how
they operate, blood rituals, its origins on Earth and how it fits into
the larger phenomena regarding animal mutilations.
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