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🌅Emma-Jane Taylor, Survivor, Advocate, CEO of Charity 90/10 https://www.project9010.com
Celtic Boys Club Survivor Gordon Wood refuses NDA
Sound of Freedom
🌅EA Audits: Why did police travel 80 miles for a non-crime? https://www.youtube.com/@ea.audits
🌅Dawn Lester and David Parker, authors of ‘What Really Makes You Ill?’
🌅Nici of Nibu Naturals https://nibunaturals.com/pages/about-us
🌅Philly J Lay Autumn Equinox https://linktr.ee/PhillyjLay

Bibbysgirl - 1 year ago
Yay I’ve finally been able to sign in & comment I watch you & Sean every week follow you both on instagram I share everything you share and always share your fab Monday morning show not been the easiest three years but tuning in to you both feels like a big ray of sunshine is lighting up my soul so sending so much love to you both 💕💕💙💙🙏🏻💜xxxx

Bibbysgirl - 1 year ago
Love seeing Emma Jane

Bibbysgirl - 1 year ago
The governments if their anything like this pedo we have are not going to look into all the underage consent because it will effect them directly with their filthy pastimes 🤢 Ruth

Helenkay - 1 year ago
amazing show as always. On Russell Brand, the fact that Rumble is getting advertised all over the MSM tells us his channel like everyone else on there is not really getting deep into the truth, it's mostly spreading fear and rage, so the powers that be don't mind it being the so called "truth movement" but it really isn't. until he interviews someone like Dawn and David I will not consider him part of the "truth movement". He's now become another Donald Trump.
LdnLady - 1 year ago