They say we are fools. We say look at you!
3 years ago
⁣like in U.S, a huge portion of frenchies want their fellow-citizens to DIE with them! #french #sheeple #MaskCircus
ze FRENCH mass populace are mentally sick, narrow-minded, blind, brainwashed, whatsoever, whatever you want!
but they are real sick mother fuck!rs!! they are traitors and accomplices to ze french depopulation program.
And Nah! FEAR is NOT the only explanation! cowardly is the explanation! and all about
>ze 'ain't none of my business!' , 'après moi le déluge'! and they' thinking as always:
>"anyway, someone else will sort it out! anyway, elections ahead on 2022! "

ya wearing ze 'masks of near death' are gonna die! no doubt, great! you're gonna be the first ones! coz your immunity is gonna get poorer, during ze long period you have been wearing this >sham!! we won't cry over you! especially since you're endangering your fellow-citizens! your children! and relatives's FUTURE and Life.
>"They say we are fools! We say look at you!!!
Still say we don't need you!! ya 'f!cktarded' politicians with your brainwashed zombies!
We don't wanna belong, we said all along, we just wanna be left alone! we just wanna be left alone!
You deny everything that's good! Acting as you would with your shame ... We don't need your kind, you're to blame!"
Note: to our fellows around the world, yet, we noticed, it seems like many other frenchies, who joined the struggle over months now, do not really consider, what materials, many other 'resistant fighter' mates spread all around, in the recent months or years... and to note, there is no solidarity! they create YT/FB/ tw!tter groups BUT one must follow their own rules there...
GFY! froggies frogs! since 'divide and rule' is still the motto you follow! so, ain't not surprising that France is doomed!! #freespeech
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