Pandemic Panic (Do the 'rona)
4 years ago

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Mr. Johnny
Rockefeller back in 1909
said, “Hey JP
Morgan, heard you got a cruise line
let’s make two
titanic ships

(it’s OK if one of
them’s shit)
we’ll swap ‘em
in the evening when they go to sleep
we’ll sink one to
the bottom of the ocean deep
and everyone we
don’t like
will have a watery
now with a lack of
competition and a whole lotta nerve
they chuckled as
they called it the quote “Federal Reserve”
but it left them
still wanting more
so they instigated a
“great” war
and the soldiers on
the front lines all lined up for their shots
and Bayer said “here
have some aspirin, don’t worry take lots!”
then young men began
to die
for an
electromagnetic lie
I’ve got the flus
this darn flu done
made me sick
it’s true I’ve
got the flu-u-u-u-u-u-us
I’m doin’ the
panic Hispanic

old Rockefeller sure
loved his petroleums
he barked at all the
doctors “don’t use plants, use my drugs!”
and ever since then
we’ve been sick
they’ve patented
every trick
now in New York 1916
there was this “polio”
it came from a
Rockefeller lab, well wouldn’t ya know?
they still blamed it
on immigrants
never mind the
scientist fingerprints
now in a time when
doctors smoked a pack before noon
they sprayed the
skies with pesticides, kids played in it too
like that good ol’
rinse, repeat: “it’s
good for me-e!!”
they blamed the
sickness on a virus they could barely see
to try and hide
their poisonous lies cause most every disease
they searched for
the Holy Vaccine
of the Church of
Science Obscene
you’ve got the
you should trust
your doctor he knows
oh no you’ve the
you’ve got the
polio woes

now a sneaky monkey
molecule got in that vaccine
and a doctor named
Bernice said “hey wait, don’t you see,
this could keep
causing cancer for years!”
they collectively
covered their ears
see there’s money
to be made in pushing vaccine adoption
so they bought up
the doctor’s institutes to eliminate the option
see how easy we can
be controlled
when the enemy’s
then in the 80’s
they created a new sinister plan
they spread
contaminated products ‘cross the land
and surprise, it
made folks quite ill
so they just
prescribed them more poisonous pills
now in comes Dr.
Fauci he’s the man of the hour
hey Tony, why not
give Big Pharma all of the power
you can sell the
pandemics you’ve made
just them that it’s
the germs to blame
you’ve got AIDS
but it’s OK, have
some AZT
you’ve got the
full blown, full blown AIDS
and we swear it’s
from HIV

Bill Gates’ daddy
was a baddie, he said “listen son,
they’ll call you a
philanthropist and when you are done
the world will bend
to its knees
to the technocratic
we’ll scare them
all with measles and pretend that it’s rough
and we’ll cancel
when the Brady Bunch called out our bluff
then shame them
until they receive
every experimental
pandemic propaganda
playin’ stupid games (it’s the name of the game)
ebola, zika gotta
pick a spooky name
and swine flu was a
big hoax
an endless epidemic
of jokes
see the Rockefeller
family’s still the talk of the town
they want us all in
Lock Step, and to shut the world down
their goal is
absolute control
so they told us
“you’ll all catch colds!”
you’ve got the
can’t you see how
you sniffle and sneeze?
oh no you’ve got
the co-co-co-co-ro-ona
you’ve got the

now Tony told Obama
“time to take our diseases
and ship ‘em
overseas where we can do what we please
and then we’ll try
to do a coup
meanwhile we’ll
proselytize the WHO
(we know) Winnie the
Pooh in China loves this tyranny shit
we’ll bribe and
threaten governments to follow the script
and we’ll even
tell them in advance
Event 201 states the
they bough up all
the media it’s frighteningly clear
after 9/11 they’ve
been feeding us fear
it’s the oldest
trick in the book
I guess that’s why
us frogs keep gettin’ cooked
people rarely
question when their infection is fear
they want us masked
so the illusion lasts for many more years
‘til we fall in
line for the vaccine
the revolving door
of disease
you’ve got the
can’t you see how
you sniffle and sneeze?
oh no you’ve got
the co-co-co-co-ro-ona
(just don’t say
it’s caused by 5G)

well they say
Pasteur is the master but he’s certainly not
Béchamp was
champion that history mostly forgot
no viruses are to
as the cause of your
toxic terrain
see when a cell gets
ill it spills a lil’ DNA
and the scientists
say “hey look, a virus!” and call it a day
just make sure you
brought your insurance
they’re into
treatments but never cures
now that our lives
are paralyzed by veritable spooks
the governments lie
and hypnotize and put on their jackboots

“together alone”
we clap our hands
to the rhythm of the
Pandemic Dance
coronavirus was
devised to rule us through fear
but it can’t
survive if we unite that’s crystal clear
criminalizing our thoughts
you can’t question
the Holocoughs!
say no to the ‘rona
don’t you know
that fear’s the disease
say no to the
say no to COVID-19
say no to the ‘rona
don’t you know
that fear’s the disease
say no to the
say no to COVID-19
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