way truth life chap 1
4 years ago
⁣Hello and welcome to Verses From My Car

I am Dana and I would like to start by stating that I have only recently come back to God over the last few years after 30 years of wandering away. I was Baptized in November 2019 and over the past couple of months of the Covid scam I have been reading and studying the Bible for many hours each day as I can see we are in the end times.

Revalation 1:3 states “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therin: for the time is at hand.”
With this in mind I have decided to make short one verse videos that I can play at anytime so that I am not only reading the Bible, but hearing the words as well which will hopefully will lead to a better understanding and an easier time keeping these things which are written.

This is a project I began for myself and with my own learning in mind, however I have decided to make these videos just in case someone in our population of over 7 Billion needs to hear these words.

* I would like to stress that I believe the KJV to be the closest to scripture and people should study that book, however the stories I will read are not directly from the KJV as most of us will not understand the style of writing and it is hard to read aloud. By reading these stories we can gain a basic understanding of the stories and be able to take those basics and dive into the KJV for deeper understanding and truth.

God Bless you today and every day as you put your faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Find me on these sites:

Verses From My Car - Bitchute

Verses From My Car - Parler

Verses From My Car - YouTube

the Dtrain - Bitchute
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