Christian Torvnes - Weather the Storm
2 years ago
⁣Weather the Storm

The world is totally divided
Economy in shambles
Livelihoods lost
Denied access to each other
and things we used to live for
Stripped of our human rights

and segregation
Mass depopulation
Such a clear agenda
Evil to the bone
And now they're coming for your home

We will weather the storm together
Together we belong
Weather the storm together
Together we are strong

It's a psychological operation
where mind control
is the ultimate aim,
with a little help
from the mainstream media
spreading fear and constant lies

The World Health Organization
told us to lock ourselves up at home
for months and months
for no legitimate reason
just to run the economy
further into the ground

We will weather the storm together
Together we belong
Weather the storm together
Together we are strong

Blind hatred
And there's no room for conversation
The script is written
The masses deeply hypnotised
The die is cast
And the Rubicon has been crossed

But in the background,
the real battle
rages on as we speak
Love is the artillery
Compassion is the ammunition
in a battle that was lost
before it even began

We will weather the storm together
Together we belong
Weather the storm together
Together we are strong

And this world is such a beautiful
place to be
And every soul is a divine seed
And every life they take
is love they have to give
It's karma
Yeah, that's it

"You may say
that I’m a dreamer
But I am not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will finally be as one"

We will weather the storm together
Together we belong
Weather the storm together
Together we are strong

We will weather the storm together
Together we belong
Weather the storm together
Together we are strong
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