Karl Schwarz with Rachel Celler - Interview
4 years ago
⁣Karl Schwarz (Nanotech executive) exposes global bioterrorism & corona laced vaccines

⁣Emergency update from the frontlines of the global scamdemic plandemic.
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The forensic nurse Rachel Celler, RN, and Nanotech executive Karl Swarz from Tokata group nanotech expose US /global bioterrorism and corona laced vaccines. Biggest lawsuit to be filed in the history of mankind.
Author of bestseller ONE WAY TICKET TO CRAWFORD TEXAS exposing Bush administration war on terror fraud.
The plaintiff in the greatest lawsuit to be filed in the history of mankind.
Johns Hopkins Univ
Epidemic-stats.com, France website, owner shows OwO.info... one world order Check what they say about UK
This one tells the story and few know about it.
Will tell the viewers what the genome tree and map really say
this one proves entire case I am bringing down on THEM
Email only for press or critical info only
[email protected]
This is my full time job and ministry so Please consider donating to my mission of exposing medical crime, one misdiagnosis at a time and
helping people reverse disease naturally at home. Thank you and God may God bless you. TheForensicnurse.org paypal.me/rachelceller

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