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Best & Taylor Intel Review (6/11/2021): The Upside Down Matrix — What is Truth?

357 Views - Published on 12 Jun, 2021
⁣What Is Truth? Trump, Obama, Biden, Putin, G7, Jab, Lies and More Lies, UFO, Arrival, Earth Changes and More…

So here we are on June11th, which is 9-11 in code, the eclipse is past, and the devils’ horn was well photographed rising in the EAST, a symbol of ANTICHRIST RISING, and HIS MARK SYSTEM is now in view. Rumblings of WAR with China and Russia as the world descends ever further and further into madness and ruin. The Bible is discarded by multitudes and the REAL TRUTH lies in the streets, trampled upon. The Church has lost its salt, and no longer holds the REAL TRUTH of salvation, of the Matrix, and the PRISON HOUSE everyone is trapped in. The NSA Acclimation Project for the ARRIVAL and STRONG DELUSION is now in high gear but it is all a DECEPTION, A LIE, to damn all those who embrace it. Shape-shifting fallen angels are now in the driver’s seat and are about to spring the final trap upon an unsuspecting humanity and more… —Stewart Best

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