Chinese Junk, Are We are buying Junk Products From China
4 years ago
we filling our landfills by buying Junk Products from China?
Almost everything that we buy has “Made in China” written on it. I have
absolutely no problem with the Chinese people, but I do have a problem with the
very low quality of products that are coming from the Chinese slave labor
factories. The quality of products that they are producing changes the
lifespan of a product you buy from having its useful life being determined by
the product wearing out to the way its lifespan is now where it is determined
by the time until the product falls apart.

The examples of Chinese Junk are this compressor, shown in
the video, a thermal imager whose on-off button broke after only ten uses,
clothing that falls apart after three washings, shoes that fall apart after
only a couple of hikes in the woods. As you can see, the list is endless
and the end result is that we are throwing a tremendous amount of materials
into our landfills. These products
should have been usable for many years, if there was just a little quality put
into the product, then it would last.

The Tariffs that President Trump placed on China was a
good thing for the trade balance, but it was like giving a patient drugs when
they really needed a diet change. He is fighting the symptoms and not the
problem. The real problem is that the Chinese citizens are being used for
slave labor making only a few dollars a day and working long hours in Non OSHA
standard factories. We need to stop buying from any country whose
factories do not meet OSHA and EPA standards and that the workers are making a
livable wave. This is the only way to create a truly competitive trading

C. Jeff Dyrek
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