What Have we Lost
3 years ago
⁣Where are the people we once knew?
Where are the happy me and you?
Each year that turned time wore us down
Now there’s no train that’s homeward bound
The soldiers returned in 45
To build a new world dreams to revive
All thought the future would be ours
Warm sunlit meadows full of flowers
What have we lost what have we gained
What’s slipped away what has remained?
I won’t forget once you and I
Lay on the grass and touched the sky
There was a time when things made sense
Until real life left no defence
The mob cheers the loudest voice they’ve found
The 30’s revival show’s in town
The world’s getting warmer every year
Our hearts grow colder out of fear
What have we lost what have we gained
What’s slipped away and what’s remained?
Dreams all turned old
Hopes bought and sold
No hand to hold
No band of gold
Where are the people we once knew?
Where are the happy me and you?
Newsreels give answers why we fight
How lies are true and wrong is right
What have we lost what have we gained
What has slipped away and what has remained?
What have we lost what have we gained?
What have we lost what have we gained?
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