A Simple Bible Reading Plan - Read the Bible in One Year in Just 15-20 Minutes a Day
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A Simple Bible Reading Plan - Read the Bible in One Year in Just 15-20 Minutes a Day

One of the most important things we can do is to read the Bible daily. Most people on the planet have not read the Bible at all; a lot of Christians haven't even read the Bible from cover to cover. They've read a few of their favorite verses, maybe even have some memorized, but they haven't read it completely.

A big reason why people haven't read the Bible is because it's a big book. It has 1,189 chapters and so they figure: “Hey look, it's so big I'm not going to be able to go through it so why even try, I don't have enough time” - or whatever else goes through their heads. But really all you need to do is have a simple plan. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Break the Bible down. You can read the Bible from cover to cover in just under a year, in 15 or 20 minutes a day.

What you can do is this: Monday through Friday read three chapters a day, every day. Saturday read four chapters, Sunday read four chapters. And in less than a year you will have the entire Bible read from cover to cover.

It takes about 70 hours to read the King James Bible out loud. The same thing for the Reina Valera Gomez Bible in Spanish, about 70 hours. If you were to read the Bible out load for an hour a day you would have read the Bible in just over two months. So you can spend just a few minutes reading the Bible; 15 - 20 minutes reading 3 or 4 chapters a day, you'll have the entire Bible read in less than a year.

Now I suggest you make a habit of doing this; do it in the morning. Because if you put it off in the day for the evening, like before you go to bed, you might fall asleep without having read your chapters or something might come up. Some social thing might happen and you just blow off reading the Bible. But if you read in the Bible when you wake up first thing in the morning, you can pray, read in the Bible for 15 - 20 minutes: read your 3 or 4 chapters and then it will kick-start your day. It's an excellent way to start your day and really there's not something better that you can do in your life than to start your day off by reading in the Bible. So I challenge you to do this.

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