#vaers, #welcometheeagle88, #welcometheeagle, #plandemic

Jessica Rose, PhD -- Adverse Events Reporting (VAERS) What does the Data Tell Us

919 Views - Published on 21 Sep, 2021
⁣This interview with Jessica Rose, PhD, covers the question of vaccine safety, as it can be evaluated from actual real world data collected into the so called "VAERS" system. The interview covers the question of the magnitude of adverse effects, as compared to previous vaccination programs; the issue of under-reporting, which is considerable; the question of causality between an adverse event and an injection and the extent to which causality can be established, using the Bradford Hill Criteria. There is also a discussion of effectiveness, with Dr Rose answering the somewhat rhetorical question whether these injections are as effective as they are safe. Dr Rose then answers some questions from the audience.

The interview relies on a few slides, which you can find at: https://covexit.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/slides_Dr_Rose_talk.pdf

Find the podcast version at http://covexit.com/podcast
https://rumble.com/vmprzh-jessica-rose-phd-adverse-events-reporting-what-do-the-data-tell-us.html (original source)

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