How to STOP Alien Abductions and Demonic Oppression - Spiritual Warfare
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How to STOP Alien Abductions and Demonic Oppression - Spiritual Warfare

Many UFO abductees and victims of demonic oppression feel helpless when visited, attacked or kidnapped by these entities. They do not know how to stop the occurences. However, there is a way to stop both alien abductions and demonic oppression dead in their tracks.

Signs of Alien Abduction and Demonic Oppression

Many of the signs of alien abduction are the same for demonic oppression. Some of which are:

* Loss of time and memory
* Sleep paralysis
* Dreams of aliens or supernatural entities
* Unexplained scars, contusions or abrasions
* Inexplicable aches and pains, like severe headaches
* Sensory changes in vision, hearing, sense of smell, and sense of taste
* Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
* Uncontrollable thoughts
* Sudden chills or overwhelming heat in the body
* Uncontrollable feelings like, fear, hatred, guilt or depression
* Supernatural events
* Voices that are not coming from the victim’s own mind
* Sudden personality and attitude changes
* Heavy sleepiness when reading the Bible, listening to a preacher, etc.
* Demonstration of ESP
* It feels like there is a band around the victim’s head

Alien Abductions and Demonic Oppression Are from the Same Source

In the book "Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Where It Originates And How It Stops" authors David Ruffino and Joseph Jordan document how so-called aliens are actually Fallen Angels who work with demons in Satan’s hierarchy. They are not from another planet, but from another dimension and can manifest themselves physically, to a degree, under certain conditions.

Several UFOlogists have come to the belief that the alien abduction phenomenon is not about creatures visiting Earth from another planet, but that it is actually supernatural.

Jacques Vallee, a computer scientist and astronomer, writes in his book "Confrontations" on pages 160-161 that "The UFO beings of today belong to the same clase of manifestation as the entities that were described in centuries past..." On page 15 of his book "Messengers of Deception" he says that impressive parallels can be made between UFO occupants and the popular conception of demons, and on page 19 Vallee writes that UFOs can "project images or fabricated scenes designed to change our belief systems."

J. Allen Hynek was an astronomer and professor who came to believe similar views as Vallee. In an interview for "The Unexplained Column" by Allen Spragett, November 8, 1975, Hynek said that many UFO reports are more like accounts of poltergeists and psychic manifestations than "actual solid items of nuts and bolts hardware." And "This is one of the reasons why I cannot accept the obvious explanation of UFOs as visitors from outer space."

Several other UFO researchers came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon is not extraterrestrials from another planet, but beings that come from another dimension. Some of whom are:

John E. Mack, Raymond E. Fowler, Ivar Mackay, Lynn Catoe, Pierre Guerin, John Keel, Ronald D. Story, Farah Yurdozu and Whitley Strieber.

Some people can manifest UFOs on demand. They will either use magic rituals to summon them, or they will use a certain type of meditation or telepathy. There are videos on YouTube that document people doing this, which is further evidence that the phenomenon is spiritual that can manifest in the natural to varying degrees. A space vehicle from another planet could not and would not just suddenly appear before humans engaged in a summoning ritual. However, entities from the spirit realm could and they do appear when conditions are right.

Here is a webpage with videos that show people manifesting UFOs:

The Holy Bible describes these creatures in a number of verses. Demons (or devils) are of lower rank than the angels. They can tempt people to sin through thoughts and they can sometimes possess a human being. These spirits can manifest under certain circumstances. Usually they appear as dark shapes many call "the shadow people." When they can move objects they are called "poltergeists."

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