Human's Life
3 years ago
⁣So I've been thinking about this "right vs left" paradigm we have been forced into, and how EVERYONE it seems want's to point at the "other side" that THEY are the problem.

I have actually lived in both houses (in life's journey) and I'm here to tell y'all - there are VALID POINTS on BOTH SIDES, and more than likely (unless you're a satanist) there are points we can get along on - IF WE LISTEN HONESTLY TO EACH OTHER.

I dream of a time when HUMANITY WAKES, to who our real ENEMIES ARE, because it's not the ones we've been pointing at the most. When will we TURN SLOWLY and recognize the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM is OUR CONTROLLERS... and we are NOT just ONE PUNY ANT...WE ARE HUMANITY in MASS wanting MAXIMUM IMPACT!!!!!!
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