Astro-Sound Bite for Aquarius New Moon February 11, 2021
3 years ago
This Astro-Sound Bite is drawn up for the Feb 11 New Moon at 23 Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for this degree refers to a person who has been able to turn away from, or to tame passionate reactions to a volatile situation, and, by doing so, teaches others a deeper wisdom by this example. Venus and Jupiter at 12 Aquarius, and Mercury at 16, form a square to Mars at 18 Taurus. Squares motivate us to consciously reconcile the inner conflict felt between these planetary energies. The Sabian symbol or Jupiter and Venus refers to a barometer, and measuring what is going on in the atmosphere. It signifies an ability to detect subtle changes, and perceive certain insights that foretell when rain or storms are coming. Mercury’s degree reads “a watchdog standing guard, protecting his master and his possessions”. This signifies vigilant protection of one’s people, clan, or tribe. There is a sense of belonging and contributing to the safety and wellbeing of those who are in your care, however, it may also feel that there is no time to relax. Mars’s degree refers to a forest fire that is finally conquered. It indicates the successful quenching of flames that consumed one’s life, or a situation that dominated it with destructive forces. Now comes the exuberance and relief. As we integrate today’s messages for the Aquarius New Moon, there is every indication that a long and drawn out “drama”, roller coaster ride, and volatility are finally coming to an end. There is, not only, relief and relaxation on the horizon, but also exuberance and enthusiasm that results from vanquishing a very dangerous and volatile situation. #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #mercury #venus #jupiter #mars
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