⁣The Human 2.0 - Genome Imperfection & the Garden of Eden | Giulio Superti-Furga | TEDxLinz
3 years ago

This event occurred on October 17, 2015. 9:00am - 6:00pm CEST . (UTC 2hrs)
Giulio Superti-Furga, born in Milan 1962, is the scientific director of CeMM Research https://cemm.at/ Center for Molecular Medicine. He is the chair of the steering boards and responsible for the project “Genom Austria” https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/14184 .

We are becoming the first generation of living beings in billions of years that knows its genetic code and can change it and with it the fate of the planet. Is humanity – and life on earth – at a turning point? Are we walking towards the Garden of Eden or turning our backs forever to it?Giulio Superti-Furga, born in Milan 1962, is the scientific director of CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine.He is the chair of the steering boards and responsible for the project “Genom Austria”This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Some comments:

Simone Huber: It would take you 50 years to read your genome and you have the absolute arrogance to call reading it boring and want to change it? The idiocy of this, the arrogance and hubris is baffling.

Conscious Citizen: Thumbs down. Nature is perfect and divine. Demonic forces manipulating all that is perfect and of God.

John Rigali: Strangely, I got a different impression of this talk. It seems to me that Mr. (Dr.?) Superti-Furga is also concerned about the ramifications of permitting genome modification, and is calmly sounding the alarm for the rest of us. For the record, I oppose genome modification.What also concerns me is that this talk dovetails nicely with the “Human 2.0” movement to get humans to become cyborgs connected to an artificial intelligence. (“stop worrying about your genetic flaws - enhance your life experience with AI immersion”) I also oppose that.

Rach81: They say "when man tries to play God, bad things happen". Why can't we just leave human beings to be human beings. Why create a superhuman? Leave mother nature alone.

Gail Kavanaugh: Why do you find a need to interfere with our genes or change them?

Erik Lindhurst: Such astounding arrogance!

The Human 2.0 - Genome Imperfection and the Garden of Eden | Giulio Superti-Furga | TEDxLinz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4RcFdM0yPA - TEDx Talks - Nov 16, 2015.
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The Human 2.0 - Genome Imperfection & the Garden of Eden | Giulio Superti-Furga | TEDxLinz.
The Human 2.0, Genome Imperfection and the Garden of Eden, Giulio Superti-Furga, TEDxLinz.
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