faith wins, religion, votes, elections, government, faith, christianity

Chad Connelly - How Faith Wins is Educating, Activating and Mobilizing Churches Across America

103 Views - Published on 07 Mar, 2023
⁣Christianity and politics have a love hate relationship in the US. Despite the separation of church and state, many churches are highly engaged in the political process but they are not always well informed of the issues. Chad Connelly’s work as chairman of his state Replication Party was recognised by the White House and he became the first ever Faith Envoy for the Republican National Committee (RNC). Through this role he built up church engagement to another level and has continued this endeavour through Faith Wins. Chad joins us to discuss the importance of voter registration, providing leaders with resources, identifying church liaisons and connecting with political thought leaders. Founder Chad Connelly was the Republican National Committee’s first-ever National Director of Faith Engagement, a key position that influenced the elections of 2016. Having been elected to two terms as the Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, Chad set new fundraising records for the party, hosted two nationally televised debates that brought over $50 million in revenue and advertising exposure to the state, and held the largest Presidential Preference Primary at that time in South Carolina’s history with over 607,000 voting in the election. Since 2013, he’s traveled to 43 states and spoke to more than 82,000 pastors and faith leaders about the importance of pastoral leadership in the public arena. His work has led to trusted relationships with a wide variety of denominational and organizational ministry leaders across the nation and resulted in the highest evangelical turnout and vote in modern American political history in the 2016 elections. He has appeared on numerous national television shows and has been a featured commentator on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others. Chad is well known in political and religious circles around the nation as an effective speaker, relationship builder and prolific fundraiser and is in demand as an inspirational speaker on a variety of topics. Chad is passionate about his home state of South Carolina, America and her true history but is most passionate about his family: his wife Dana and their four children. Chad is a life-long South Carolinian and he and his family live in Prosperity, SC. Faith Wins is dedicated to educating, activating and mobilizing faith leaders, helping them leverage their influence and impact within the governmental and political arena. Interview recorded 24.2.23 Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories... ⁣ To sign up for our weekly email, find our social media, podcasts, video, livestreaming platforms and more... Please subscribe, like and share!
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