Live Q+A Webinar from May 27th, 2022

I hosted a live webinar on Monkeypox on May 27th, 2022.
I also held a Q&A Session. Q&A Topics include:
Lichen Sclerosis
Is Juvenile Dermatomyositis caused by 5G radiation poisoning?
"red meat allergy" that is supposedly caused by lone star tick bites
Mega-doses of vitamin C
Is it true that one should avoid salt when diagnosed with congestive heart failure?
I also held a Q&A Session. Q&A Topics include:
Lichen Sclerosis
Is Juvenile Dermatomyositis caused by 5G radiation poisoning?
"red meat allergy" that is supposedly caused by lone star tick bites
Mega-doses of vitamin C
Is it true that one should avoid salt when diagnosed with congestive heart failure?