RISE WITH BNT 140 | Richard Vobes | 15 Min Cities | Truthers: Animal Farm | Rationing | Book Censors
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▶Veg Shortage: The Real Reason
▶Dahl Censorship
▶Madeleine McCann Lies
▶Richard Vobes: The Bald Explorer
▶Therapist Lucinda: Menopause
▶15 Minute Cities - Sign The Petition: https://actionstorm.org/petitions/stop-the-traffic-filters-ltns-that-will-gridlock-divide-oxford-63e6a724edc83
▶1 Year: Ukraine

Stevan Pugh - 1 year ago
This weekend on Sunday no parents are allowed again to cheer there children on. Silent football only the players can talk. I'm fuming it's under the guise of safety for referees and football crazy parents. I understand it a little but no one will ever take my voice. This is the 3rd time this year

Lorri123 - 1 year ago
I'm fed up of the attack on our language and literature to fit a a passing agenda. Lorraine

Lorri123 - 1 year ago
I'm fed up of the attack on our language and literature to fit a a passing agenda. Lorraine

Gummy10 - 1 year ago
Morning all

Catherine - 1 year ago
Hello Richard

Stevan Pugh - 1 year ago
This weekend on Sunday no parents are allowed again to cheer there children on. Silent football only the players can talk. I'm fuming it's under the guise of safety for referees and football crazy parents. I understand it a little but no one will ever take my voice. This is the 3rd time this year

Itsme_cc - 1 year ago
Love conquers all

piglatum - 1 year ago
This rewriting was done by Bawdler in puritan times to Shakespeare, Chaucer etc, Bawdlerised works are scoffed at as ridiculous now, just as any book the woke brigade vandalise will be seen in the future.That is assuming the people win the current war we are in the midst of.
As far as new leaders go, that is not so bad, we know who was where, and when, all of us that Kerry mentions who have been here for years will make sure they will not take over. Don't worry, you are not alone at all, we all see it, so animal farm will not happen

Sophielondon - 1 year ago
Hi, I wasn't watching live, but 'hello Sonia', it's me Sophie, thanks for all your hellos and Lucinda's answers today. I wasn't watching live, watching the replay now. It's interesting, just as I'm wathcing you too talking about menopause, I'm realising I was really low this week because it's my PMS, sometimes, I just forget...I can get really depressed the days before my periods. No HRT for me either in a few years' time. I know that in France, mu mum was pushed by her gyneco to take it.

Lols2020 - 1 year ago
I feel that there is a push to make women feel like their life is over after the menopause. This constant need to explain and over explain how you should or will feel is a constant push. We all feel differently about periods, personally I hate them. I feel hot, sweaty, smelly, tired and achy. I really can’t wait until that is all over but I do think that this push is because women have been catapulted into early menopause after being jabbed and that the media and program (soap) producers are having to stick to a script of its “all normal” to be going through menopause at 21 it’s nothing to do with the jab. That’s my thoughts anyway.

Lols2020 - 1 year ago
I do understand what Richard was saying about welcoming people to this country but when you hear of old ladies taking in people and ending up dead it doesn’t fill you with joy and again the media only showing football thugs rampaging in the streets and club18-30 being sick and peeing in the streets abroad you can see why anyone from overseas would think we are a bunch of lunatics. Thanks MSM 👍 but we’re not all like that.
hootyowl - 1 year ago