A New World Order Redshields or Rothschilds Illuminati, Divisions of us.
⁣Corporations, Religions, Secret Society's, Governments of Nations split and divided like Human Beings into race's and colors of yellow, black, red and white, the poor, the rich, man, woman, young, old, strong and weak, humans are being systematically divided along with morals and traditions all the things we value and hold to be true has been infiltrated and turned upside down.

We need to take back our church's our faiths and values. We need to take back our Governments and protections to clean water and clean air. Not only for us, but for our children and their children. We need to teach our children about how division and manipulation works.

We all have our own ways and it is nice to learn about another human beings values and traditions. But never to be forced upon or manipulated into.

We are being lead into a viewpoint that the majority of human beings are inhuman terrorists and killers. All you need to do is look to your neighbor, your mailman or your family to see that we all are good and that we have value equally.
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