Genie out of the Bottle November 22 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago ⁣Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 1 Sagittarius, and its Sabian symbol reads “the ocean covered with whitecaps”. Oceans signify emotions in the collective, and the whitecaps refer to people getting upset and letting those feelings show, creating drama. The guidance cautions us to be calm amid the turbulence, and remain a calm influence for others. In this chart, the moon occupies 9 Pisces, and its symbol reads “an aviator in the clouds”. This symbol refers to one who transcends the drama happening below or all around the plane, and able to remain on course without distractions. It is a good reminder for the Sun’s symbol, supporting the effort to remain calm in the midst of turbulence and drama. The goal will be achieved, and the destination reached. Venus forms a semi-sextile to the sun at 1 Scorpio, and its symbol refers to a broken perfume bottle, the contents of which now permeate the air. This symbol holds the “genie out of the bottle” meaning where something can no longer be contained and is spilling out - its container has been shattered. Whatever has been contained in this bottle is undoubtedly the reason for the turbulence of human emotions and drama that unfolds, but it is all necessary as we prepare for the full moon solar eclipse on November 30. This full moon forms an exact conjunction to the US Chart’s Uranus in Gemini, the planet associated with “the people” and necessary revolutions that lead to greater freedom. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #venus
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