The Immaterial Physical World
3 years ago
⁣Classical physics and the old science taught us that human beings were
mere survival machines powered by chemicals and genes. They taught us
that the brain was the originator of consciousness, and that our
internal worlds of thought, emotion, sensation, and morality were mere
by-products of material evolution. They taught us that we humans were
separate, isolated entities in a desolate, mechanical, clockwork
universe. They taught us that time and space were finite and that
nothing traveled faster than light.

Quantum physics and the new
science, however, teach us that human beings are spiritual entities
having this physical experience. They teach us that consciousness is the
primary mind-stuff of the universe, and that time, space, and matter
exist only within and by virtue of consciousness. They teach us that we
humans are indivisible from our environment and each other, that our
bodies, the stars and space are composed of One undifferentiated expanse
of vibrating energy.

In short, the old material science brought
us a disempowering message of division and haphazard coincidence; the
new spiritual science brings us the empowering message of absolute unity
and divine cosmic mind.

"The Immaterial Physical World" was taken from my book, "Spiritual Science" available on Lulu and Amazon:
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