Harbinger of Hope December 14 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago
www.soundworksbygehl.com ⁣Today’s ASB is drawn up for the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for this degree reads “a bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of the house”. This is a positive omen signifying that good fortune, blessings, and breakthrough are right on the threshold of manifestation. Mercury conjuncts this new moon at 20 Sagittarius, and its symbol refers to a child’s game of “make believe” that figures prominently into this new moon cycle. Mercury rules communication and perception, and this degree symbolizes a game of pretend: “emulation that leads to materialization”. Mars forms an exact trine to Mercury at 20 Aries, and this symbol refers to “a boxer entering the ring”. The time has come to challenge one’s contender. Boxing matches are like a dance between aggressive and passive energy. When you have an advantage you advance, and when you feel at a disadvantage you retreat. There are regulations to follow as with other sports. However, in boxing, if the winner isn’t clear, a judge may have to decide the outcome. The fact that Mercury and Mars are harmonious with each other and the New Moon eclipse itself is a positive omen. Living in the “as if” helps to manifest victory. Venus at 28 Scorpio and Jupiter at 28 Capricorn are also in perfect harmony and add beneficial energy as well. Venus’s degree refers to being an advocate for the rights of others, while Jupiter’s degree refers to a woman reading tea leaves and able to provide insight into the future. As we integrate today’s symbology there seems to be good news and breakthrough on the horizon. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #mercury #mars
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