4 years ago
⁣The unbelievable event: Stanley Praimnath hides under an office desk, which protects him from an oncoming plane. Yes, the guy ‘lived’ to tell the ridiculous tale. This ‘scene’ would be acceptable in a Hollywood movie, but not in reality.
2:10 It was something IMPOSSIBLE!
It goes on to talk about the real world, but in that real world, the plane wouldn’t have crashed through the tower like it was shown on TV and in the fake ‘amateur videos’.
"You'd think a plane would hit the building and crumple instead of going inside the building." - In the real world.
Stanley Praimnath agrees 100% with that.
And there's more.... Just listen to the BS. 9/11 was a propaganda mainstream media hoax.
This short video also includes Simon Shack’s ‘Nosed Out’ research, which I think was included in the ‘9/11 movie’ on purpose to make it appear the planes were inserted into a live broadcast; the terror hoax was created before 9/11/2001.
Want to learn more? Visit [a]www.cluesforum.info[/a]
Material Used:
Nosed Out By Simon Shack: [a]www.cluesforum.info[/a]
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