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⁣The Week According To . . . Voice of Wales

223 Views - Published on 20 Mar, 2023
Welcome to your regular dose of news-based chat, opinion and an honest appraisal of the past seven days with free-thinking guests from all walks of life and this episode is the welcome return of our good friend, Dan from Voice of Wales. Buckle up as Dan let's rip on the topics this week including... - Judges issue arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin over alleged war crimes. - Tommy is back with a new documentary 'Plantation 2: Rise of the Celts'. - Fears two refugee hostels will swamp North Wales community and ignite public 'unrest'. - Lord Ahmed of Rotherham: Nonce's prison sentence cut by appeal court. - Minority teachers to receive £5K bonus from Welsh government. - 13 year old girl 'attacked' by boy in a gender-neutral school toilet says she dreads returning to lessons. - Nursery tells parents to not tell their daughters that they are 'pretty' or to call them 'princess'. - Funeral for paedophile drag queen's cortege that was led by horse-drawn carriage stops outside city's oldest gay bar. - Statues of ‘old white men’ may need to be destroyed, Welsh government advises. - Match of the Day without Gary Lineker was watched by 500,000 more people than usual. Voice of Wales are the only common-sense media outfit in Wales. Labelled as a 'threat to modern day Wales', these lads are nothing of the sort, they are in fact 'The True Voice of Welsh Journalism'. They will tackle any issue whether it be the lockdown madness, ignoring immigration, self-hatred of Britain, destruction of free speech, refusal to speak out against grooming gangs, giving a knee to BLM or destroying our children's education by rewriting our history. Dan and Stan have an opinion and they are the only voice that Wales needs to hear. Follow and support the lads at … Website: GETTR: Twitter: Telegram: Originally broadcast as a live discussion 18.3.23 Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories... ⁣ To sign up for our weekly email, find our social media, podcasts, video, livestreaming platforms and more... Please subscribe, like and share! Links to articles discussed this episode... Putin Plantation 2 Refugee hostels Lord Ahmed Welsh Government Gender-neutral school Woke Nursery Paedophile Funeral Welsh government Gary Lineker
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Hearts of Oak

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