science, earth, truth, globe, flat

Uniform Circular Motion is Constant Acceleration

323 Views - Published on 05 Oct, 2021
⁣Consult any mainstream science publication or ask any science teacher
"why can't we feel the Earth spinning?" and they will unanimously reply
that it is because the globe spins at a perfect constant speed, and we
can only feel acceleration or deceleration. As CoolCosmos writes:
"Earth moves very fast. It spins at a speed of about 1,000 miles per
hour and orbits around the Sun at a speed of about 67,000 miles per
hour. We do not feel any of this motion because these speeds are
constant. You can only feel motion if your speed changes. For example,
if you are in a car which is moving at a constant speed on a smooth
surface, you will not feel much motion. However, when the car
accelerates or when the brakes are applied, you do feel motion." The
glaring problem with this claim rarely ever addressed is that the globe
and everything on it, if it existed, would be undergoing constant
acceleration, because uniform circular motion IS constant acceleration.
As published on, "Uniform circular motion can be
described as the motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed.
As an object moves in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction.
At all instances, the object is moving tangent to the circle. Since the
direction of the velocity vector is the same as the direction of the
object's motion, the velocity vector is directed tangent to the circle
as well. An object moving in a circle is accelerating. An object
undergoing uniform circular motion is moving with a constant speed.
Nonetheless, it is accelerating due to its change in direction. The
direction of the acceleration is inwards. With the inward net force
directed perpendicular to the velocity vector, the object is always
changing its direction and undergoing an inward acceleration."
Therefore the globe's theoretical astronomy is at odds with demonstrable
physics. Uniform (and even moreso with non-uniform) circular motion
creates a centripetal force which entails constant acceleration in
constantly changing directions.
The heliocentric models claims the Earth rotates in uniform circular
motion at a constant speed while revolving an elliptical orbit around
the Sun at another constant speed, while the entire solar system makes a
circular orbit around the Milky Way galaxy at another constant speed,
and the Milky Way galaxy shoots off in a straight line from their Big
Bang beginning at yet another constant speed. In other words, we are
actually supposedly undergoing 4 different circular, elliptical and
straight line motions simultaneously, but being told that we quote "do
not feel any of this motion because these speeds are constant." They
always give the example of a car or train going straight at a constant
velocity and claim we cannot feel that motion, but what if the car is
speeding along an elevated uniform circular racetrack, while that entire
elevated racetrack is making an elliptical circuit around the racing
grounds, while simultaneously the entire racing grounds themselves are
on a gigantic moving circular foundation, while that foundation itself
shoots straight off into the universe? These are the actual variables
involved with the globe's supposed constant speed that no one in history
has ever demonstrated, measured, felt or experienced whatsoever.
So the next time someone claims you cannot feel the Earth's motion
because it spins a constant speed, remind them that uniform circular
motion IS acceleration and acceleration IS felt, and when they give you
the example of a car driving down a straight road, remind them that the
car is actually driving on a circular racetrack, while the racetrack is
making an elliptical circuit around the racing grounds, while the entire
racing grounds themselves are circling around a larger foundation, and
that foundation itself is traveling in a straight line. These 4
simultaneous varying motions the globe is subjected to in the
heliocentric model create multiple acceleration vectors and destroy any
possibility that they wouldn't be felt or measurable due to traveling at
a constant speed.
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Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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