CONvid-19 variants named after HUMAN Brainwaves
3 years ago
⁣Credit to TheBlackEwe
CONvid-19 variants named after HUMAN Brainwaves
The four brainwave frequencies
The frequency of these waves is calculated in ‘cycles per second‘, or Hertz (Hz). The brainwave frequencies vary depending on the type of activity in which the brain is engaged and can be measured by electronic devices like the electroencephalograph (EEG).Scientists commonly categorize the electromagnetic waves in four patterns, which reflect different types of brain activity throughout the day:
1. Delta waves
They have a frequency between 0.5 and 4 Hz and are associated with the deepest psycho-physical relaxation. Delta brain waves are present in the unconscious mind, sleep, dreams, and total deprivation. Therefore, they are produced during the unconscious processes of self-healing.
2. Theta waves
When the state of calmness and relaxation transforms into drowsiness, the brain moves to slower rhythmic waves with a frequency of 4-7 Hz. Theta is accompanied by unexpected, unpredictable, dreamlike but very vivid images (known as hypnagogic images). Often, these surprisingly real images are accompanied by intense memories.Theta waves offer subconscious access, unexpected revelations and creative inspiration. It is a mysterious, confusing, high-potential and even enlightening experience. The research of theta waves is not an easy task because it is very difficult to maintain this state as people tend to fall asleep as soon as they start generating large amounts of theta waves.
3. Alpha waves
Alpha waves have a frequency ranging from 8 to 14 Hz and are associated with a state of vigilant but relaxed mind. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state.Alpha waves dominate in introspective moments or in those where the concentration to achieve a precise goal takes place. They are typical, for example, for the brain activity of those engaged in a meditation session, yoga or tai chi.
4. Beta waves
Beta wave has a frequency ranging from 14 to 30 Hz and is associated with the normal awareness when we are focused on the external stimuli. For example, when reading these lines, your brain is producing beta waves.These waves are, in fact, the basis of our fundamental activities of survival, associated with sorting, selecting and evaluating the stimuli that come from the world around us.The beta waves also allow quick reactions and actions. In times of stress or anxiety, beta waves give us the ability to keep the situation under control and quickly solve a problem.

CONvid-19 variants named after HUMAN Brainwaves - TheBlackEwe - June 17th, 2021.
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⁣CONvid-19 variants named after HUMAN Brainwaves, ⁣TheBlackEwe, ⁣June 17, 2021
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