Flower of Life Meditation (Revised in September 2020) - English guided audio
⁣As suggested by Cobra, there were some drastic military escalations behind the scenes, and there is now a full scale war going on between the Galactic Confederation and the Draco fleet in sublunar space, and a full scale war between the Resistance Movement and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex in the underground bases. Nothing can be said at this time about the operations on the surface, as all is still classified.


There was two peaks of this conflict, and the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join the Flower of Life meditation at those two moments, to minimize that violence and bring more peace into the situation.

The first one being Mars Saturn square on September 29th at 9:49 PM UTC

And the second one being Mars Pluto square on October 9th at 1:09 PM UTC

The Light Forces are also asking everybody who feels so guided, to join daily Flower of Life meditations at their convenience.

These meditations are taking place daily every 4 hours at
• 12 AM UTC (mid-night)
• 4 AM UTC
• 8 AM UTC
• 12 PM UTC (noon)
• 4 PM UTC
• 8 PM UTC.


Instructions (please note that there are a few changes to the instructions in comparison with the previous version):

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize the pink Flower of Life sphere around the Earth, expanding below the surface and also expanding all the way up to the Moon's orbit. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere and Violet Flame purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.

5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and all other living beings, and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.

6. Now, visualize the pink Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.

Goddess wants peace and peace it shall be.

You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:

"In the name of the honorable and powerful presence of I AM, I decree and command the process of planetary liberation continues in a positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, all living beings and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet. So be it, and so it is."

More info at: ⁣https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2019/09/flower-of-life-meditation-every-4-hours.html

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