#MagnaCarta #Commonlaw #fraud #Freemen #Wakeup

1215 Magna Carta The rights of Free men

127 Views - Published on 06 Nov, 2020
⁣1215 Magna Carta The rights of Free men ⁣⁣
Every store owner can open shop if he does not consent.

It is you right to apply PRACTICAL LAWFUL DISSENT

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that Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 has been invoked;

of the evidence that this may be critically important to you;

and that the tacit fiduciary contract between you and your government has been broken.

If you are finding your government and institutions have broken your trust, please read on.

You are not alone.

The law is on our side.

Magna Carta is the mutual agreement to respect equality and consent; no parliament has the authority to repeal or modify it.
The Crown's failure to rebuke the baron's invocation is tacit acknowledgement of Clause 61: everyone's right to equal justice in the Commonwealth.

⁣Maritime Law VERSUS Common Law..... Common Law stand ABOVE Cooperation.

Most westerns states/countries are Service Cooperation.
A cooperation can only have a form of authority when both parties consent.
This form of consent is usually in form of contract.

Now here come the impotent part:
Does the state/nation have such contract?
Did you sign a contract when you where born?
Of not, you never consent with such contract. Therefor it is not valid.

The crime that is been committed is fraud.
When born, a cooperation is created and is named you name in CAPITALS.
This is not you! And this is done without consent.
What this creates is a LAWS FULL PERSON. This is not you.
Free men are Right us men under Common Law! (Back to start)

I plain words, they have no right, nor power over you if you do not consent.

You have every right to apply "Practical Lawful Descent"

1215 Magna Carta Act. 61

Who claim, i free men?
If so, show the contract whits confirm this claim?
Who has the power to claim, i men, as property?

They tricked us in the illusion they have power over us.
They don't!

It is a scam, well played for centuries... Research it...

⁣Fair use policy, i do not own any rights.
Due to unfair censorship this is shared for education purposes.
The importance of freedom of speech and truth. Expose fake news. propaganda and censorship.

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Nonprofit educational uses.

⁣Value the freedom of speech, stop censorship.
"I might not agree or like what you have to say, but i will defend till my last breath, for YOUR RIGHT to say it!"


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