Guided by the Light November 24 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 3 Sagittarius, and its Sabian symbol reads “a little child learning to walk with the encouragement of parents”. This implies that one further along in life and skills is in a position of nurturing, caring, and guiding those just starting out on the same journey. The important aspect of this symbol refers to progress, step by step. in this chart the moon at 3 Aries forms an exact trine to the sun, and also conjuncts Chiron at 5 Aries. The moon’s degree refers to a lovers’ stroll on a secluded path, inferring that this is a time for enjoying uninterrupted connection with the people and activities we love, perfect for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Chiron’s degree reads “a square brightly lighted on one side”. This signifies a situation that requires “out of the box” thinking. There is illumination on a particular issue, which has felt boxed in until now; a pathway forward or an outlet has been discovered. As we put today’s message together, the common element between them is being shown a way forward; the parent guides the child, those we love are on the same path we tread, and a situation that has appeared to have no way out, is receiving new information that illuminates the resolution. #astrology #sound #daily #guidance #recalibrate #astrosound #daily #guidance #truefreedom #newhumanreality #sun #moon #chiron
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