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2 years ago

Tube Takeoff 2.0 - Youtube

If you start a YouTube channel in a bad niche where you have to show your face, there's too much competition, and you can't monetize without AdSense.
It's kind of like you've got a yellow Lamborghini Aventador and then filling the tank with dirty mud water. You've got the best vehicle in the world (YouTube), but the wrong fuel.
Here we teach you the exact criteria we look for when starting multiple new YouTube channels as well as give you 57 niches & 259 Example Channels proven to work with my system.


There is a dark side of "personal brand" channels. I've got one of them, and if I'm gonna film... I need good light and expensive equipment. I need to dress nice, fix my hair, be charismatic, funny and perform. That doesn't sound like I'm running a YouTube business, that sounds like I'm going on a date! With faceless content there is none of that mess involved and you're not stuck with 1 channel but you can rather make multiple.
Here we teach you how to generate winning faceless content ideas designed to attract people fast and get people hooked on your content so they come back again and again. We've also included 4 content templates you can use over and over designed to go viral and make more money than most YouTubers.


You might believe that you make a ton of money through YouTube AdSense. You know the ad you can skip after 5 seconds before you watch a video? Yes, you make money from that, but my best example is a video of mine that got 287,000 views. Guess how much I made from it.. $67 dollars! Imagine how sad I was when I found out.. I'd made more in 1 day at my old pizza delivery job..
Here we teach you how to align your niche with the highest converting affiliate products on the internet, so you won't even need AdSense. Personally I make 8x more money from selling products than AdSense, that's how our students gets extraordinary results fast without many views at all.


There is a common saying in the business world: "Work ON your business not IN your business". Most youtubers ARE the business. That's why it's important to make a content system where each part can get outsourced by other people or computers. That way you can actually enjoy the time freedom and money this YouTube business allows you to have.
Here we teach how to create a video factory assembly line. We'll give you our content system so you can automate your channel for cheap and manage it easily. This will allow you make true passive income, so you can go to the beach with your friends without worrying about content, because your automation team is already making it for you while you do fun stuff.
Bonus #1 - Perfect Video Scripts & Templates

There are three base requirements for any video.
1) It gets high watch time.
2) It instantly hooks them with something that makes it harder for them to leave than to stay
3) And it seamles WEEKsly transitions into selling your affiliate product at the end without being "salesy".

It has taken me years decoding viral YouTube Videos and Expert Copywriters to find the perfect video script and Template. It took me a really long time to figure it out.
Now, I have three scripts and templates that you can literally copy and paste to make amazing Tube Takeoff Videos.

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