andy wright, talking really, 90 year old, margaret keenan, may parsons, covid19, jab, vaccine rollout, crisis actor, liz scott

first Covid19 Jabs - update video #1

293 Views - Published on 11 Dec, 2020
Following my video, here's an update with more information and a video from someone else, shedding light on the woman, the nurse and other events involved.

⁣Nurse May Parsons works for Global Healthcare Management Ltd, a private limited company owned by Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London, Dr Tariq Abassi MBE, who also happens to be Secretary of State for the Republic of Liberland, who are partners with Scrypta Blockchain Foundation, who specialise in digital tracking.....check for yourself, tell me im nuts


The Merkel-Raute (German for "Merkel rhombus") is what has been termed Merkel diamond or Triangle of Power by English-speaking media: a hand gesture made by resting one's hands in front of the stomach so that the fingertips meet, with the thumbs and index fingers forming a rough quadrangular shape.

Merkel-Raute - Wikipedia
Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

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