Acts of Treason by our Government Officials by Theft of Your Property through Property Tax Seizures.
4 years ago
Are our Government Officials stealing your property and giving it away to Corporations and Foreign Nationals through Property Tax Seizures. ? Absolutely it is. Our homeless and our disabled veterans are losing their homes to the unconstitutional practice of Property Tax Seizures. This is theft. Because of Property Tax Seizures American citizens are losing their homes with absolutely no program to help them. Therefore, our disabled veterans become homeless and our refugees still get paid. These Property Tax Seizures are Inhumane, Illegal and Unconsitutional. C. Jeff Dyrek. Disabled Veteran.

⁣About 120 homes are being taken from people in Bushnell, Illinois because of Property Tax Foreclosures, and we are doing nothing to stop it. Bushnell has a little over 1000 homes so there is about 12% of the people in Bushnell will lose their homes while a corporation will buy them at about five cents on a dollar, then the county government will take police officers, armed to the hilt with deadly weapons, and they will take you out of your house either willfully, in handcuffs, in a stretcher, or in a box. That's right, they will murder an American citizen if necessary to remove that person from their home which that citizen had spent their entire lives paying for. But, at the same time, every state has a refugee resettlement program and you are not entitled to use any of its benefits whatsoever. Instead, the state throws the legal homeowner into the street with no program to help them whatsoever, regardless of that legal homeowners age or health condition and they will take that legal homeowners furniture their vehicles and send their dog to the pound leaving both the dog and the legal homeowner homeless. This is what's happening to our nation right now and our soldiers are in the middle east fighting a war that was started with the lies of President George Bush and his democrat crew, while the Democrats will not allow our President to bring our troops home to protect us right here and to save trillions of dollars in war cost on an illegal war. That is a lot that I have just said and I am telling you the truth, absolutely the truth. What the counties and states are doing to our citizens is criminal, treasonous and inhumane and inexcusable. Yet we are allowing our politicians to get away with these heinous crimes against American Citizens. Do not vote Democrat, they are taking your property, your guns, your freedom of speech and next it's your families that they want. It's happening and this is the year that we can stop these criminals from abusing our Constitution for good.
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